Download Spiritual Economics

Spiritual Economics encourages a gift economy with God in the center. That is, all produce of society should first be offered to the Lord as a sacrifice. Then the offering is sanctified and the results are distributed to others. Writing this book has been an act of devotional service for me, and I have offered it to the Lord. It is my pleasure to offer this book to you as a gift. It is my hope that you will appreciate it and want to share it with others, and you are encouraged to do so without restriction.

The electronic version is offered with a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). This license allows anyone to download this book and share it with others as long as they do not change it in any way, or use it for commercial gain.

To give of oneself in the spirit of devotion is an important principle in spiritual life, and in the gift economy everyone offers their services to others without consideration of immediate exchange or direct reciprocation. It is important to give. We receive more in giving than the person receiving. Giving of ourselves means giving to ourselves.

In the gift exchange, recipients do well to acknowledge what was received and to reciprocate in some manner.

Therefore those who receive this book as a gift are encouraged to acknowledge the hand of God that led you to these pages, to give thanks to Him, and to reciprocate in some way as you feel that you have been blessed by this gift.

If you would like to reciprocate directly with me with a gift of money I would be happy to receive your offering. I would also consider it a reciprocal gesture if you share the book with others and direct them to this website. If you desire to “reciprocate” by offering your gift to another person in the mood of “pay it forward,” that is also perfectly acceptable. That method would allow you to offer something other than money, say your time, knowledge or expertise, in the service of others. If you do pay forward we would be happy to hear the story so that we may use it to encourage the circle of gifting. Please let us know by posting in our forum, or send a note using the form at the footer of most pages.

Download “Spiritual Economics” in PDF format: Spiritual Economics – Part 1 – Right-click and choose “Save As”.



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